Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Growing up

I won't comment much on this video but this just shows how fast they are growing up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Make everyday count!

Today marks a day of unbelievable tragedy. The entire Polish government went down in a single airplane crash.

No matter how many different places we live in as grown ups, the connection to our original roots will always remain with us.

I hope that my children will grow up with the same international experiences and understanding that me and my husband has been lucky to be exposed to.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Let's get this party jumping!

Zara's Birthday party was a great success. All the kids got to jump around, eat pizza and cake and have a blast. The nap time afterwards was not a problem.

The goodies bags were not only hit with the kids but few parents (you know who Ms. P), were sneaking Swiss chocolate into their pockets.

Zara didn't the have time open gifts but after her nap this will be the first thing we will be doing. Murmur and Opa are on the way back from guitar shopping, so everyone will be here for the gift opening.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blue eyed at Nine Months

Bastian is almost nine and a half months (has has been crawling for the past two), he is now busy standing up and bringing down anything in his way.

There is not a single item safe in my mothers house. What hasn't been broken or destroyed needs to be constantly removed from his path. I am looking forward to having our place and not having to constantly watch his every move.

Birthday Party

The life still goes on here, me and the kids try to stay busy with various activities. Last evening we went to a one year old birthday party. The venue was private with number of rooms of different themes, from supermarket to dress up room etc.

My friend who was hosting this party is known for having great parties (even for one year old), really went all out. They had carefully prepared appetizers, awesome pizza (I should really get the name of that pizza place), cake and wine for the adults.

Zara had the best time. Once she discovered that she can dress up as a princess, that's all she did. Who knew my child would be into princesses. She is still little tomboyish and used to be into doggies, but this girlish sidesick is fun to watch.

Bastian playing dressup

The fairly princess

Pretend Shopping

Saturday, March 27, 2010


At the end of 2009 we finalized our decision about moving to Switzerland. This decision was based on weighting out pros and cons but at the end we decided that moving to Europe would a great adventure. This blog is intended for our family and friends as a way of staying in touch.

My husband left two months ago to start his new job, meanwhile after long and careful consideration I've decided that moving in with my partents would be the easiest way to handle this seperation period. I was working full time, traveling for work and getting ready for the move. This seemed like the most sensible thing to do.

As of today the move is very much on the way. The cars are sold, furniture shipped and me and the kids have one month left before leaving for Europe. As this time approaches, I am getting more excited about the upcoming changes yet sad to leave my family and friends.

Please follow us as we discover Europe and Switzerland with toddler and infant in tow.