Saturday, March 27, 2010


At the end of 2009 we finalized our decision about moving to Switzerland. This decision was based on weighting out pros and cons but at the end we decided that moving to Europe would a great adventure. This blog is intended for our family and friends as a way of staying in touch.

My husband left two months ago to start his new job, meanwhile after long and careful consideration I've decided that moving in with my partents would be the easiest way to handle this seperation period. I was working full time, traveling for work and getting ready for the move. This seemed like the most sensible thing to do.

As of today the move is very much on the way. The cars are sold, furniture shipped and me and the kids have one month left before leaving for Europe. As this time approaches, I am getting more excited about the upcoming changes yet sad to leave my family and friends.

Please follow us as we discover Europe and Switzerland with toddler and infant in tow.

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